*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

< Articles

A Psychology of Evil

Greetings to you! It is good to be with you again. We all go through life expecting to be influenced by 'someone, or something' sooner or later. And hopefully, to our advantage. But that's not always the case, some of these people want a totality of owning 'you!' (Hook line and sinker!)

How are we supposed to differentiate these people from the more moderate 'everyday' one's? We seem to view every person we meet with a nonchalant attitude. But in general, let's keep a couple of very important things in mind: 'Psychological Influencers' are everywhere! And they're out to 'mentally' get you! They have done things like this to 'innocent' people:

"Historic 'Assisted' Suicides?"

  1. Purputan Bali 1906 – 1,000 Dead.
  2. Order of The Solar Temple- Switzerland and Canada - 1994 – 48 Dead.
  3. Harakiri- Japan 1873 – 1990 Thousand's Dead.
  4. Sicarii Rebels Masada- Israel – 60 AD, 72 AD Thousands lost.
  5. Juhar Rajput- India 14th to 16th century – Thousands lost.
  6. Self- Immobilization- Vietnam – 1963 Hundred's Dead.
  7. Heaven's Gate- San Diego California 1997 – 39 Dead.
  8. Branch Davidian – Seventh Day Adventist – Waco Texas 1994 80 Dead.
  9. Restoration Ten Commandments of God – Uganda 1980's March 17th over 1,000 adults and children Dead!
  10. People's Temple Jonestown Massacre – Guyana November 1978 with 913 followers Dead!

"The Cult" (Church?)

The psychological trauma 'inflicted' by these 'Cult leaders' tends to render the 'clinically dependent' literally, 'insane' at the time of these incidents! In Bengaluru, India an Indian sculptor named Antonio wore a medal known to be connected to hundreds of murders. All done by strangulation! Another committed by a man named 'Barum' was guilty of murdering 900 more! And he killed out of 'devotion to God!' But the worst killers in history were known as 'The Huggies!' In India, back in the 1300's 'The Huggies' were a religious cult, guilty of murdering 'millions!' All again, in the name of God! And this is only a very 'minute' sample of the horrors inflicted by Cults, and their leaders! But 'why?'


Today, there are hundreds of religious 'imitations' known as "cults" around the world. It is important to note two things about them. First, not all cults are religious! Some are religious therapy based, or focused on misconstrued self-improvement, or otherwise 'sneakily' based on 'evil' practices! On the 'flip-side' not all religions are "cults!' Many religions are based on 'solace' as it refers to the hereafter, and good and "peace" in the here and now. What exactly defines modern understandings of cults, and why do people join them?

Broadly speaking, a cult is a group movement with a shared commitment to a usually 'extreme' ideology. The cult claims to have the answers for the 'unanswerable' questions of 'Life, love, Family, Faith, Happiness, and even Death! These answers are usually intimated by a 'skillfully' embodied very charismatic leader! This person (usually a Man) is privately known as the 'Cult- Master,' or sometimes just-plain 'Master!'

A typical cult requires a high level of commitment from its members and maintains a strict hierarchy separating unsuspecting supporters and recent recruits from its inner workings. It promises the inner instructions will make the new believer always feel rather 'indestructible!' And most importantly uses a system of control instilling formal and informal 'methods' of dynamic control to keep members obedient to the desires of the 'Cult-Master!' With no disagreement or external scrutiny ever allowed to 'seep in!'

Rather than seek integration with others of different faiths, a modern church, or recognized organization, the modern cult seeks to 'isolate' its members from society at large, and at times even family members! It also seeks to control 'financial' records and living arrangements. The cult also demands obedience to other members of the sect that's put in charge of them. These leaders at times have 'nefarious' tendencies that oppose common sense and lead to ultimate lack of control of one's finances, sexual freedoms, and a total loss of all 'normal' existing powers!

While a cult member uses his/her initial power to attract new members, they are taught to imitate the leader when 'corralling' others to join them! Cults are skilled at knowing whom to target! Often focusing on those new to certain areas, or when one is recognized as having recently gone through a personal, or professional loss makes one desire the feeling of meaning and fullness. This makes one want to look elsewhere for the proper instruction! The fact that something might be wrong is dispelled by a couple of words 'Cognitive Dissidence!' These words are thrown around the group intentionally, to discourage any disruptions in cult 'dogma!'

But when their practices involve 'threats, illegal activity, harassment, or abuse, even the 'police' can intervene! Believing in 'something' should not come at the cost of your family and friends! The individuals that involve themselves in this malicious activity and are using your good name only to enhance their otherwise sullen lifestyle. These people are common thieves! Stay away from these cults! Many religions started as cults, but they diversified from tyranny to common sense! In the long run, these cults could ruin your life! 'Scrutinize' your established membership, 'and' your objectives!

*Mainstream Churches*

'Some churches(?)' still have a few of these 'throwback' practices installed today. Many churches donate finances to the 'poor', from the pockets of its 'poorest' members! All the while the leaders (sometimes Cult- Masters) ride around in expensive cars, jet Planes, and spend multitudes of community money on the finest things in life! And they feel 'quite inspired' to operate in this way!

They'll tell you, "God planned it this way" This can be a total 'cultism,' even today! So, 'beware' of this type of religious organization! It has roots in self-preservation and hierarchal theft! And it sneaks into many facets of 'familiar' common religious protocol! 'Beware!' Your financial demise, and 'bankruptcy' could be a sign of their primary monetary gain!


*Historically speaking, 'religion (itself) can be dangerous!' Because it's 'belief and Dogma' cannot be 'emphatically' proven today! Inquire about their 'tenets' and requirements, 'before' one joins!' 'Some faiths,' (not all) may have been compromised! *All* religious beliefs should be fairly 'scrutinized!'*


Always keep track of your personal 'private' money! And 'watch your 'Preacher's' (or leaders) financial community status, and property holdings! Occasionally, these transactions 'can' sometimes be intrinsically 'evil!' Be smart, be frugal, and 'stay out' of the wrong kinds of 'slick,' questionable 'monetary' organizations! And remember to always, 'Stay Well.'


"I have been involved with many of you for over ten years now! I have heard a million voices all asking me different questions. I 'own' all the books listed on my 'Book Recommendations Page!' (My Website) The one answer I have for 'each' of you is this: The question you have all asked for is: "You hope for, Health, Happiness, and Love!" Through 'Science, and Understanding,' we are here to assist!

*As an alternative to joining the *wrong* religious organization: At night you can say:

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen" (If Heaven is out there. And you are a good, and moral person, this simple prayer may get you there! Donate to the charity 'of your choice.' Otherwise, 'keep' your money for future use!') 'And find an honest facility!'

"A fool and his money, are soon parted!" - Thomas Tusser

Yours In Religious Quality,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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